
Information on the price of IQOS devices

Currently, you can purchase our IQOS ILUMA and IQOS ILUMA ONE products in national tobacco stores.


Accessories for IQOS ILUMA devices

You can choose from a range of accessories for IQOS ILUMA. In this article, we show you which accessory is compatible with which IQOS ILUMA device type.


Important information about IQOS ILUMA devices available in the region

In 2021, the distribution of the latest generation of IQOS devices, the IQOS ILUMA portfolio was launched among the first in Japan and Switzerland.In 2022, several European countries joined such as: Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slo



IQOS ILUMA is the latest generation of tobacco heating IQOS devices. The heart of the device is the advanced, bladeless SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM technology, which uses a metal heating element to heat the tobacco from the inside.


What are TEREA tobacco sticks?

TEREA tobacco sticks made exclusively for IQOS ILUMA. The SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM™ technology provides continuously intense tobacco vapor and stick-by-stick consistency. The new bladeless technology takes tobacco heating to a whole new level.


Why are cigarettes harmful?

The significant harm that smoking cigarettes can cause is well-known, but did you know the biggest risks of tobacco/smoking come from when a cigarette is burnt? IQOS heats tobacco instead of burning it, thus offering a smoke-free alternative to adult smok


Carbon Monoxide Levels: Cigarettes vs heated tobacco

The harmful effects of carbon monoxide can be a significant concern for some adult smokers. This article addresses the carbon monoxide levels within both cigarettes and IQOS heated tobacco products.


Glossary: For easier understanding of IQOS and heating technology

Learning how a new innovation works is never easy. In our article below, we want to help adult smokers who are interested in the category, understand IQOS and other technologies that use heating instead of burning.


Would you like to know more about functions and usage of IQOS™ accessories?

Get to know the new IQOS™ cases, CAPs and side covers and other useful accessories. Read more about in our article!


Is IQOS a Vape?

A question we receive time to time - is IQOS a vaping device/e-cigarette? The answer? While both options are smoke-free alternatives to cigarettes for adult smokers - no, IQOS is not a vape!


IQOS vs E-Cigarettes: What's the difference?

IQOS heated tobacco devices and e-cigarettes are both smoke-free alternatives to cigarettes for adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products.


How Heated Tobacco Devices Work?

Heated tobacco devices heat tobacco instead of burning it. The result is a smokefree alternative with none of the fire, ash or smoke that cigarettes produce.


E-Cigarette Liquid vs. HEETS Tobacco Sticks

E-cigarettes utilize a liquid, while products using heated tobacco utilizes tobacco sticks, which contains real tobacco.