How can the IQOS app help me to personalize my IQOS device?

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Supporting services FAQ categories About the IQOS app How can the IQOS app help me to personalize my IQOS device?
Supporting services FAQ categories About the IQOS app How can the IQOS app help me to personalize my IQOS device?
The IQOS app gives you ways to customise and modify your device to make it your own, like how your device vibrates when you use it.
You can also set up notifications to let you know if there’s a problem with your device, and upgrade the firmware inside your device so you get the best experience.

You can access the following features with the help of IQOS app:

AUTO-CLEANING: you can start an auto-cleaning.
For the devices with the following firmware versions:
  • IQOS 2.4 PLUS - v2.3.0 and above
  • IQOS 3 - v1.1.2 and above for Android, all versions for IQOS web app
  • IQOS 3 DUO - all versions

  • VIBRATIONS: you can change the default vibration settings.

    ILLUMINATION MODE: control the brightness of the lights on your device.
    Check the availability in the application.