How do you measure IQOS emissions, which you claim are reduced on average by 95% compared to the smoke of a 3R4F cigarette?

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Supporting services FAQ categories HeatControl Technology How do you measure IQOS emissions, which you claim are reduced on average by 95% compared to the smoke of a 3R4F cigarette?
Supporting services FAQ categories HeatControl Technology How do you measure IQOS emissions, which you claim are reduced on average by 95% compared to the smoke of a 3R4F cigarette?

The percentage refers to the average reduction of the levels of certain constituents prioritized for action by renowned public health organizations such as the WHO and the US FDA found in IQOS tobacco vapor compared to the smoke from a 3R4F reference cigarette. To this effect, we collect the tobacco vapor and smoke under the Health Canada Intense machine-smoking regime (55 mL puff volume, 2 second puff duration, 30 second interval puff) using a comparison on a per stick basis. Reduction calculations exclude nicotine.