What is an MRTP?

You can find answers to questions about the FDA's decision in the Frequently Asked Questions section.

MRTP stands for Modified Risk Tobacco Product.

On July 7, 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized IQOS, along with different tobacco stick variants, to be marketed in the US with a claim of reduced exposure to harmful chemicals. This makes IQOS the first and only heated tobacco system authorized as a Modified Risk Tobacco Product with reduced exposure information in the US.

The US FDA decisions came after several years of reviews of all of the scientific evidence available on IQOS. Between the opening and the closure of the scientific review, the FDA asked 86 questions related to the applications, seeking clarifications or additional data.

After reviewing the scientific evidence on IQOS, the US FDA authorized the marketing order of IQOS, concluding that:

  • The IQOS system heats tobacco but does not burn it.
  • The absence of combustion significantly reduces the production of harmful or potentially harmful chemicals.
  • Switching completely to IQOS reduces your body’s exposure to harmful or potentially harmful chemicals*, and communicating this is appropriate for the promotion of public health.

  • Important information: IQOS is not risk-free. It delivers nicotine, which is addictive.

    *Source: FDA’s marketing order for the IQOS system dated July 7, 2020.