Why do I have less aerosol during IQOS usage?

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The aerosol depends on the moisture of the tobacco stick and on the way you take the puffs. If you experience less aerosol compared to your previous experiences, please ensure you check first the following:
  • You have correctly inserted the tobacco stick in the IQOS™ Holder without breaking or turning the tobacco stick.
  • Once the tobacco stick has been inserted, it is important that you don’t twist or turn it because it can damage your IQOS heating blade.
  • The way you puff impacts how long your tobacco stick will last. Take longer, gentler puffs. Taking longer ca. 10 sec breaks between the puffs allow the blade properly heat the tobacco and generate aerosol.
  • Clean the IQOS holder regularly according to the instructions. After you entered into your registered profile you can learn the proper way of cleaning from our E-coach videos, or you can gain a quick insight from our quick start videos here.
  • Note that tobacco from the previously consumed tobacco stick may block the air-flow of the IQOS Holder, so please make sure that you clean your device properly, especially the CAP. Remove the used tobacco stick from the Holder.
  • If you can not insert the tobacco stick till the silver line, the device should be cleaned, most likely the CAP.