What does the red light on my IQOS 2.4 PLUS Pocket Charger mean?

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Supporting services FAQ categories IQOS 2.4 PLUS device What does the red light on my IQOS 2.4 PLUS Pocket Charger mean?
Supporting services FAQ categories IQOS 2.4 PLUS device What does the red light on my IQOS 2.4 PLUS Pocket Charger mean?
a. If the light on your IQOS 2.4 PLUS Pocket Charger is red, it means there’s a problem with your Holder. If it slowly pulses while charging, it means that the Holder battery is reaching the end of its life cycle.
b. If the bottom light on the IQOS 2.4 PLUS Pocket Charger is red, it means there’s a problem with your Pocket Charger or your IQOS device is out of the optimal functioning temperature (10°C - 40°C).
To fix the problem, your IQOS device and make sure your device is between 10ºC and 40ºC.

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